Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty in falling asleep. People with this disorder, when they do get to sleep, also have trouble staying asleep, or going back to sleep once their sleep is disturbed and they wake up. People can have insomnia because of a number of... Read more
The two of you may be compatible in many things – choice of reading material (old National Geographic magazines), preferred Saturday night activity (Netflix and Scrabble), gym workout (boxing) and predilection for spicy ramen. But there are some things that keep couples from enjoying each other’s company at night:... Read more
Sleep is an important part of daily life. The quality of your sleep often dictates how you feel, think and function during your waking hours and also how your body recovers from the ordeals of the day. But even in sleep, your brain and your body remain active. Sleep... Read more
Many people drink a steaming cup or mug of coffee first thing in the morning to really wake them up. Others rely on coffee to help them stay awake during the afternoon slump at work. If you’re one of those people who simply cannot function properly without their morning... Read more
Did you wake up groggy and out of focus? If you woke up feeling more fatigued than before you got in bed, you probably didn’t get enough quality sleep – and what you ate last night could be the culprit. Several research studies have suggested that nutrition plays a... Read more
Allergens are everywhere – in the air, on your clothes, in your carpet and upholstered furniture. Some people are more sensitive to them than others, and if you’re one of these unfortunate folks, you’re probably sneezing or wheezing your way around the city on a near-daily basis. One of... Read more
If you have an illness, it will be harder to heal if you’re in emotional distress. Many experts agree that psychological factors can even make any existing pain worse. Back pains are no exception. There is even something called “stress-related” back pain, in which emotional and psychological factors play... Read more
Like many others, you probably grew up thinking you need 8 hours of sleep a day. This is something drilled into our heads as children, but now that you’re older, is this still applicable? With all of the grownup responsibilities you deal with on a daily basis, it seems... Read more