Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty in falling asleep. People with this disorder, when they do get to sleep, also have trouble staying asleep, or going back to sleep once their sleep is disturbed and they wake up. People can have insomnia because of a number of... Read more
If you have an illness, it will be harder to heal if you’re in emotional distress. Many experts agree that psychological factors can even make any existing pain worse. Back pains are no exception. There is even something called “stress-related” back pain, in which emotional and psychological factors play... Read more
Sleep-related disorders affect many people around the world. One such common sleep disorder is Obstructive Sleep Apnea (also called sleep apnea), a condition that affects at least one in fifteen people. Lots of people suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, but fewer than twenty percent are ever diagnosed or treated... Read more